Thursday, November 1, 2007

Weird word of the day

OK. So, I'm a really random type of person. I'm an official cyber-card-carrying-member of NaBloPoMo, and I was planning on going with the theme of "B.J. and Lee: The True (unedited) Story" and "Travel" for the month of November, but, alas, I'm not going to stick to it rigidly. I'm going to use those themes, with a little ADHD (randomness) thrown in for good measure. Like this post:


Ever heard of this one before? I certainly hadn't, and I consider
myself a reasonably literate member of the species. I've encountered it at least twice this week, alone, so I thought I'd share with you a little schoolin'. Here it goes:

Wikipedia defines it as:
a German word meaning
'pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune'.

Who knew there was and actual word for being a nasty little human being?

We all know someone who this definition fits to a 'T'. Heck, I'm sure at one time or another we have been that person who is guilty of committing this particular sin (not moi, of course...being facetious here. Sad to admit it, but hey, I'm not into lying...unless it is about my weight, but that is an entirely different issue in and of itself).

I just love the Internet. I learn so much, and at such weird hours, too!


Anonymous said...

That's a great word. What a clever idea for posting too.

I'm going to try to fit that word into my conversation today. I'm going to take the girls to gymnastics and violin today-perhaps I can use it with the teachers?

Alida said...

"Not I" said Alida, well at least not always. I have to admit sometimes people just have it coming and you can't help but smile (if not rejoice) at the beauty of justice...that's all I'm saying.

Glory Laine said...

You mean if I run out of ideas I can publish the dictionary? Brillant.

Happy McNally Mom said...

I have the feeling I am going to learn so much this month from all of you crazy bloggers.