Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just a little bitty rant

It's 9:41pm. I just got home.

Today was really really busy. Worked until 3:45 today, picked up the kids at 4ish, and left again at 4:30 (I have a super-sized portion of working mommy guilt tonight).

Went to dinner at Da Vinci's with co-workers and then went to Crystal Apple awards to support a friend who was nominated (she didn't win--I'm so bummed). GREAT food, muy expensive-o.

I'm so totally toast right now.

I have outdoor school/field trip tomorrow. Found out I have no clean laundry ARRRGH! I didn't have time to run a load today, and B.J., gotta love him, didn't do anything besides play computer games. ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Never even crossed his mind to throw a load of laundry in the washer (how can he forget about the mountain on my bedroom floor that is 3 feet tall!!). So, should be fun trying to find something remotely appropriate to wear tomorrow.

Time for bed. I hope the Advil I took kicks in soon. Mental note to self: no wine to drink in the middle of the week. Wine=Pounding headache. Bad idea.


Alida said...

Advil and multi-vitamins and a very tall glass of water. Repeat first thing in the morning followed by even larger cup of coffee.

I feel for you my friend.

Anonymous said...

Advil...not just used for headaches (in my household, anyway).

I find that when I drink too much, I eat something high in fat so it soaks up all the alcohol.

But Alida...well she is probably more experienced in this area of life since I prefer vodka.

Sorry you feel so crappy! Good luck with your field trip!

Anonymous said...

Oh...and about the laundry and MEN...yep, never gonna happen. They bitch and moan when it doesn't get done but are BLIND to the huge pile that they have to STEP OVER to get to the computer to PLAY for the rest of the night. Dishes are like this in my household too. SO FRUSTRATING!

Alida said...

Wine, Vodka, Beer...I'm afraid I'm maybe just more experienced all around:)