Friday, November 9, 2007

Cruising toward the end of an epoch

I just love Craig's List. It is like the eBay for weenies. Like me.

You know the people who pretend to be techno-savvy, but are really only mediocre at the computer stuff. The folks who would love to be able to be one of those eBay whizzes who sells snow to Eskimos online and makes a mint doing it? Yea. That's me. Craig's List is less hassle, less risk, and no credit card numbers involved. I can and do handle that. It lets me dabble in online sales, without all the commitment.

I sell random stuff on Craig's list. Probably the strangest thing I sold (in under 24 hours, mind you) was my old Amana Dryer. It worked as well as you'd expect a 10 year old used dryer to work. And, someone bought it *snaps fingers* just. like. that.

The most recent of my sales on the list was this: A three-sided 'Little Tykes' play structure.

Over the summer I watched my two babies play on/with it less and less. It was becoming clear that its usefulness and time at my doorstep was coming to an end. It was with mixed emotions that I posted it to Craig's List. A part of me was thrilled to have more room on my back porch, but another part of me didn't want the fun with it to end.

I remember when I found the little play structure, I was so thrilled! I had been coveting one of these structures for Peanut because it would be a lot of fun for her, and it would be easy enough that (given her physical limitations) she would be able to play on it and feel good about herself.

Peanut, and later Chubbers, had such fun playing on it. They both could climb, slide, and play under it in the 'fort'. It was just the right size. But, as I said, over the summer it became more and more clear its time was done.

So, it was with great sadness that I posted it on Craig's list. I half hoped it wouldn't sell. If it didn't sell, silly as it sounds, it was a way to keep a small vestige of 'babyhood' around. I've been slowly but surely getting rid of all my baby paraphernalia. The baby-car-seat: Gone. The changing table and glider rocker: gone. I have the crib disassembled and ready to be sold in the garage, but I'm dragging my feet.

I don't know why, but it seems so sad to let go of all these things. I posted it online about a month ago, and as of yesterday the play structure is gone.

It is the end of a period in our lives. I debate with myself, and B.J. whether or not we want a third baby. I know in Heaven I will have all three of my babies, one is already waiting for me. But here, on Earth, I wonder if we're done. Most days I know that we are; but then there are other days where I get this dull ache in my core that yearns for another of those sweet little bundles. I sometimes really miss that sweet milky breath, and rocking a tiny little love to sleep. Some days.

I feel like if I get rid of all of my baby stuff, it sort of seals the deal: we're done. Finito. Fin.


I am looking forward to the new stages we're about to enter: Kindergarten and (for Chub-chub) preschool. It just seems so strange to think: no more babies.

I wonder if all moms feel this way? Do you ever find that peace where you know in your heart and your mind "I'm done."? Some days I think I have that feeling, but then something happens--I see or smell or hear something that pulls on my heart strings and I'm lost, all over again.


Alida said...

Yes, the peace comes when you deliver at 37 years of age. I was sooo done. I ran out and had my tubes tied.

Then a year later a friend of mine had a baby. I held that sweet little thing in my arms and I knew I was sooo done.

It not over until someone gets their tubes tied. You can always repurchase stuff on criagslist.

I do yearn for my kids baby days sometimes...they do grow so fast.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with Alida and I'm not 37.

After Rylan, who is my 2nd, but technically my 3rd, I was sooo done. I hate being pregnant. I hate having my boobs sucked on for months and months at a time! I love that I am not "on tap" anymore.

I pick up friend's babies, yeah, they're cute and all and I remember the days when mine were small but I am sooo done, there isn't anything pulling on my heart feels soo good to know that they're not mine and I can give them back.

Ben had a vasectomy in January '06. We are both sooo done having kids.

momaof4 said...

I think you have your answer. I think it is clear when you are done. If your still getting a little tug on your heart....maybe.
I would clean house and then if the time comes that Baby #3 comes, guess what? You get all new things.
We have not had that tug on our heart nor the totally done, no more, not ever feeling. We are like you. Wondering.

Anonymous said...

I never had full peace until Mason was born. Then I just knew he would be our last one, and I felt good about that.

Moma of 4 is right. You can get all new things-on Craigslist!