Monday, April 9, 2007

The Easter Bunny Came to Town

Well, we survived the weekend! Easter weekend is always so busy, especially now that we've got kids.

Saturday we slogged through the rain to do a church sponsored Easter egg hunt. The Peanut was one of about only 3 or 4 little girls who were wearing the requisite frilly Easter dress. She was so dang cute, I couldn't help but let her wear her new dress that she was so excited to finally have. So, there she was in her pretty dress sloshing around in the mud and puddles, slipping on the wet grass, and enjoying every minute of collecting eggs "with treats!!" (chocolates and candies inside--no real eggs anymore, just neon-bright plastic eggs nowadays...).

Chub-chub (my little boy, K. J.) had a blast, too, once he had a good ol' flop-in-the-mud-and-wet-grass-fit. The hunt was advertised as starting at 10am, however, due to rain and stragglers arriving, it actually started at about 10:20am, and that extra 20 minutes put the 19 mo. Chub-chub over his maximum 'waiting' allowed. But, once the hunt got under way, he had fun finding eggs and dropping them into his 'Easter bag' (a gift bag I had left over from a birthday gift, in lieu of the standard basket--that usually results in more dropped eggs than anything).

We followed up our hunting efforts with a trip to the Golden Arches for a side of fries to share and some run around/get dry time for the kidlets and gossip for myself and my friend.

Sunday arrived with the swift deliverance of baskets-o-goodies for the kiddos from the "Easter Bunny" and a trip to the in-laws house an hour away for brunch and another egg hunt. It was, perhaps, the best brunch at the in-laws that I've ever experienced. Everyone was really laid-back, relaxed, and we just enjoyed one another's company and had a blast watching the kids hunt eggs (as opposed to the usual where everyone is tense or stressed for one reason or another and the soon-to-be-ex-sister-in-law was mercifully absent (a random aside: who in h*** wears stillettos to EVERY event, including an outing to the park? Yup. You guessed it: said soon to be ex....I digress)

It was fun while it lasted, but thank goodness Easter comes but once a year.

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