Thursday, April 19, 2007

Long time, no see

I just realized, it has been a long time since I've visited the Day to day. Oh well. Que sera, sera. Right?

An update: I had the crud, got well, now (surprise!) I've got it again. Currently I'm taking a day off of work to get well. I'm doing a good job of being sick. I've been in bed twice for naps and, amazingly, I've been able to resist the lure of cleaning house. Really. I have.
See, as a working mom cleaning house is a whole new chore. Once, when single (read: without kidlets) I could theoretically clean my whole house in an hour or so (including goofing off to watch the idiot box or check email or some such).

Nowadays, cleaning with the Peanut and Chub-chub in tow is at best an all day event or at the worst an all week event (and, in that case scenario, one cannot even tell said cleaning has happened). So, to be home all day with the kids at the sitter and a messy house all around me, normally-- the pull to clean would be as overpowering as Kriptonite is to Superman. Not today. Kudos to me. Yippee! I feel crappy and I have a messy house. I rule.

Last Saturday, we were impulsive. Is such a thing possible with two small children, you ask? Yes, young grasshopper, I say: It is.
Again, leaving an uncleaned house (do I detect a trend? gulp.) we loaded up the mommy-mobile and spur-of-the-moment, went to the beach. We had a blast. The kids were happy on the drive (a feat, previously, unheard of) and we had a great time finding a stretch of beach to plunk down our requisite beach junk, dig in the sand, and fly our cheap-o plastic kite (the cheap one B.J. and I bought umpteen years ago when we were still dating. And you accuse me of being a pack-rat? Forsooth! It is memorabilia from a long gone epoch.) I got some cool pictures of the day. I present to you, for your viewing enjoyment, 'the beach at L.C.':

The Peanut, aspiring architect:

Chub-chub, a.k.a. "The demolition expert":

The Peanut also found some muscles. Likely leftovers from sea animal who was scared off by the noisy beach goers:

And, of course, here I am. Flying that proverbial kite:

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