Friday, October 26, 2007

Tempus Fugit

Here I am, Friday, and no posts.

How does that happen?

A week goes by, and I don't indulge, even momentarily, in one of my guilty little pleasures (blogging). I suppose I could see it as depressing, or (what I will do) see it as I'm busy living life.

I can hardly believe that next week is Halloween. What happened to this year? I've already done a little bit of my Christmas shopping (my personal deadline this year is to be totally done before Thanksgiving--same goal I have every year, yet, inexplicably, since hatching the Peanut and Chub-chub I haven't accomplished it...).

How does it happen that we always get so busy? Times like these, in my mind, I can time-travel back to an age where I was living South of the Boarder. Time meandered, down there; up here time flies--roughly, at the speed of sound. Perhaps it is our modern American culture (who am I kidding, of course it is!), but don't you think we need to slow down? Are we really enjoying our lives? Our time? What we choose to devote our energy to?

Sometimes I can answer, honestly, 'Yes!' Other times, I can weakly muster a squeaky 'no.'

I've been contemplating joining up with NaBloPoMo, but how on earth can I actually do it, if I can't seem to manage more than one post per week? Sigh.

Something to think about....


Alida said...

Do a theme. Go on do it about you and your hubby. I would love to get to know more about you. More than the wonderful mother you are!!

Actually I have a male friend who said, "Yeah, I saw your's all about kids and being a mommy." Poor guy did not enjoy it at all. Part of me wanted to shout, "But I'm so much more than that!!"

So instead of the kids, I'm writing about the husband...brilliant! Maybe I'll rethink the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

Right there with ya, Trez.

Somedays (very few, actually) I can say that Yes! I am partaking in the things I LOVE! Most days, however, I am NOT. Sad, but very true.

Is something wrong with me? Maybe and maybe not. I think it's just life...

Fat Chick said...

Nope, don't think there's anything wrong with you. I think it is just life.

Try to pick out 15 minutes at the end of every day and just do something you really love. I usually (not always, or I'd be lying) read a novel. I'm a total book-worm, so that's something really quick, cheap, and 'do-able' each (or nearly) day. :0)

Just remember that knot at the end of your rope. ;)

Alida--thank's for letting me weiz on your gig (a la Paulie Shore). :)