Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Strangest Magazine Ad I've Seen in a While...

Well, let's just start out by saying I don't exactly endorse things like this, but the shock value was too great not to make some sort of comment on it. I'm such a shy little wall-flower, as you all already know. (She snickers, to herself)

I don't want a bunch of 'flames' or any other sort of negatives. OK? 'Nuff said.

B. J. was reading (yet another) one his motorcycle magazine tonight while I was innocently looking at articles online (getting my daily blog-crack-fix) and he comes over to me and says:

"You've got to check this advertisement out." and he hands me his magazine, folded in half.

"Um. OK." I reply, wondering why do I remotely care about some overpriced motorcycle part advert. "OH!"

It was one of those moments where if we were on a television sitcom you would have heard the 'needle scratching across a vinyl record' soundbite.

Behold, this is what I saw in the very back of the advertising section of the November 2007 issue of Cycle World (resolution isn't great--thanks to my scanner) :

Sorry ladies, it was just too weird to not post.

Who knew these types of advertisements were found in mainstream (read: non-pornographic) media. (scratching my head, here). Guess I gotta crawl out from under my proverbial rock more often.


Happy McNally Mom said...

That is so sad and so frustrating for our husbands who are just trying to read a magazine.

Alida said...

I'm speechless.

Fat Chick said...

Like I said...too weird not to comment. :/