Sunday, June 3, 2007

IFSP: Mission Accomplished

Everything went A-Ok at the IFSP meeting. I had geared up for a fight, and I got fizzle. This is a good thing.

Peanut will be in the Specialized Preschool for one more year (we've agreed, as a team, to revisit her classroom placement sometime in December--to see if we want to give her a shot in a non-specialized pre-k, to get ready for mainstream Kindergarten). She'll continue to get the speech and low cognition help. She's also (of course) going to continue to get help under the Autism label (things like: picture schedules; social-skills training (though, what preschooler wouldn't benefit from that?); and they're going to work on some 'social stories' for her, too.

All in all, I'm very pleased. Most of the goals I'd picked out for Peanut to work on for the upcoming year were incorporated into her IFSP goals (think: saying first/last name correctly, knowing her mother and father's names....). We even managed to do all the legal mumb0-jumbo and wrap up the meeting inside of one hour.

I wish all of our Special Education meetings (in my professional & personal life) could go so smoothly.

Hooray! Now, I don't have to worry about this type of meeting until May 31, 2008 (or thereabouts) when the real bullet sweating will happen: getting ready to enter Kindergarten!


Alida said...

You are such an awesome mom! I'm glad you were pleased with your meeting. I'm sure Peanut will thrive under your guidance and love!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the meeting went well and that you were satisfied with the outcome. I'm one of those deer-in-the-headlights types when something first happens or someone puts me on the spot, and then I think of all the things I could've said or asked later! Glad you were prepared. I'm sure Peanut will thrive nevertheless...

Fat Chick said...

Thanks! It is all about Peanutzilla. I'm so pleased with how much she's grown this school year. Her teachers at the ESD are amazing. I'm always so amazed at what they can do and just how lucky we all are to have such a resource (if our kiddos need it). :)